SciencePhysicsChemistry ► Organic Chemistry ► BiologyExtremophiles

Cold X-Philes: Bacteria

Cryophilic Bacteria & Bacterial Hyperpsychrotrophs


This group includes not only “simple” archaeal thermophiles, with an optimal growth temperature of anywhere from 50°C to 80°C (OGT=65°C±15°C), or 122°F to 176°F (149°F±27°F), but also archaeal hyperthermophiles, who have an optimal growth temperature over 80°C (OGT≥80°C) or 176°F (OGT≥176°F).

List of Bacterial Cryophiles & Hyperpsychrotrophic Bacteria by Temperature Range & by OGT

Here organisms are listed first by the upper end of their temperature range, then by OGT, then by the lower end of their temperature range, and for any organisms for which these properties are unknown, they will be listed in alphabetical order at the end.

Described Species
Genus & Species Low Temp OGT Low Temp Source

Phylogenic List of Bacterial Thermophiles & Hyperthermotolerant Bacteria

Alphabetical List of Bacterial Thermophiles & Thermotolerant Bacteria

Bacteria marked with an asterisk (*) are endospore-forming polyextremotolerant organisms. Bacterial endospores tend to give the bacteria capable of producing them polyextremotolerance. Endospores are known for being able to survive extremely high doses of radiation, vacuum dessication, extreme heat and cold, lack of nutrients, and in some cases even the passage of hundreds of millions of years (for example, Bacillus strain 2-9-3 was revived by scientists from 250-million-year-old spores (Vreeland, 2000); for comparison, the first dinosaurs began appearing about 220 MYA — 30 million years later). Although these endospore-forming bacteria can survive a variety of harsh conditions, endospore-formation is not done for reproduction, as with fungal spore formation, but is instead a last-ditch effort to survive conditions the bacterium would not otherwise be able to, which means these critters aren’t true polyextremophiles, because they don’t (necessarily) actually grow better in extreme conditions, and in their endospore form don’t even grow at all.

Described Species
Genus & Species High Temp OGT Low Temp Source
* Bacillus acidicola ? ? ? Albert &al. 2005
* Bacillus aerius ? ? ? Shivaji &al., 2014
* Bacillus aerophilus ? ? ? Shivaji &al., 2006
* Bacillus albus ? ? ? Liu &al., 2017
* Bacillus altitudinis ? ? ? Shivaji &al., 2006
* Bacillus alveayuensis ? ? ? Bae &al., 2005
* Bacillus amyloliquefaciens ? ? ? (Fukumoto, 1943) Priest &al., 1987
* Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax) ? ? ? Cohn, 1872
* Bacillus aquiflavi ? ? ? Xie &al., 2020
* Bacillus atrophaeus ? ? ? Nakamura, 1989
* Bacillus australimaris ? ? ? Liu &al., 2016
* Bacillus badius ? ? ? Batchelor, 1919
* Bacillus benzoevorans ? ? ? Pichinoty &al., 1987
* Bacillus cabrialesii ? ? ? de Los Santos Villalobos &al., 2019
* Bacillus canaveralius ? ? ? Newcombe &al., 2009
* Bacillus capparidis ? ? ? Wang &al., 2017
* Bacillus cereus ? ? ? Frankland & Frankland, 1887
* Bacillus chungangensis ? ? ? Cho &al., 2010
* Bacillus cahuilensisereus ? ? ? Cerritos &al., 2008
* Bacillus cytotoxicus ? ? ? Guinebretiere &al., 2013
* Bacillus decisifrondis ? ? ? Zhang &al., 2007
* Bacillus ectoiniformans ? ? ? Zhu &al., 2016
* Bacillus enclensis ? ? ? Dastager &al., 2014
* Bacillus fengquiuensis ? ? ? Zhao &al., 2014
* Bacillus fungorum ? ? ? Liu &al., 2020
* Bacillus glycinifermentans ? ? ? Kim &al., 2015
* Bacillus gobiensisectoiniformans ? ? ? Liu &al., 2016
* Bacillus halotolerans ? ? ? (Delaporte & Sasson, 1967) Tindall &al., 2017
* Bacillus heynesii ? ? ? Dunlap &al., 2017
* Bacillus horti ? ? ? Yumoto &al., 1998
* Bacillus inaquosorum ? ? ? (Rooney &al., 2009) Dunlap &al., 2020
* Bacillus infantis ? ? ? Ko &al., 2006
* Bacillus infernus ? ? ? Boone &al., 1995
* Bacillus isabeliae ? ? ? Albuquerque &al., 2008
* Bacillus kexueae ? ? ? Sun &al., 2018
* Bacillus licheniformis ? ? ? (Weigmann, 1898) Chester, 1901
* Bacillus luti ? ? ? Liu &al., 2017
* Bacillus manusensis ? ? ? Sun &al., 2018
* Bacillus marinisedimentorum ? ? ? Guo &al., 2018
* Bacillus mesophilus ? ? ? Manickam &al., 2014
* Bacillus methanolicus ? ? ? Arfman &al., 1992
* Bacillus mobilis ? ? ? Liu &al., 2017
* Bacillus mojavensis ? ? ? Roberts &al., 1994
* Bacillus mycoides ? ? ? Flugge &al., 1886
* Bacillus nakamurai ? ? ? Dunlap &al., 2016
* Bacillus ndiopicus ? ? ? Lo &al., 2017
* Bacillus nitratireducens ? ? ? Guo &al., 2016
* Bacillus oleivorans ? ? ? Azmatunnisa &al., 2015
* Bacillus pacificus ? ? ? Liu &al., 2017
* Bacillus pakistanensis ? ? ? Roohi &al., 2014
* Bacillus paralicheniformis ? ? ? Dunlap &al., 2015
* Bacillus paramycoides ? ? ? Liu &al., 2017
* Bacillus paranthracis ? ? ? Liu &al., 2017
* Bacillus pervagus ? ? ? Kosowski &al., 2014
* Bacillus priscicola ? ? ? Lee &al., 2016
* Bacillus proteolyticus ? ? ? Liu &al., 2017
* Bacillus pseudomycoides ? ? ? Nakamura, 2018
* Bacillus pumilus ? ? ? Meyer & Gottheil, 1901
* Bacillus safensis ? ? ? Satomi &al., 2006
* Bacillus salacetis ? ? ? Daroonpunt &al., 2019
* Bacillus salinus ? ? ? Kang &al., 2020
* Bacillus salitolerans ? ? ? Zhang &al., 2015
* Bacillus seohaeanensis ? ? ? Lee &al., 2006
* Bacillus siamensis ? ? ? Sumpavapol &al., 2010
* Bacillus shivajii ? ? ? Kumar &al., 2018
* Bacillus smithii ? ? ? Nakamura &al., 1988
* Bacillus solimangrovi ? ? ? Lee &al., 2014
* Bacillus songklensis ? ? ? Kang &al., 2013
* Bacillus sonoresnis ? ? ? Palmisano &al., 2001
* Bacillus spizizenii ? ? ? (Nakamura &al., 1999) Dunlap &al., 2020
* Bacillus spongiae ? ? ? Lee &al., 2019
* Bacillus stercoris ? ? ? (Adelskov & Patel, 2017) Dunlap &al., 2020
* Bacillus stratosphericus ? ? ? Shivaji &al., 2006
* Bacillus subtilis ? ? ? (Ehrenberg 1835) Cohn 1872
* Bacillus swezeyi ? ? ? Dunlap &al., 2017
* Bacillus taeanensis ? ? ? Lim &al., 2006
* Bacillus tamaricis ? ? ? Zhang &al., 2018
* Bacillus tequilensis ? ? ? Gatson &al., 2006
* Bacillus thermocloacae ? ? ? Demharter & Hensel, 1989
* Bacillus thermotolerans ? ? ? Yang &al., 2013
* Bacillus thuringiensis ? ? ? Burlinger, 1915
* Bacillus tianshenii ? ? ? Jiang &al., 2014
* Bacillus toyonensis ? ? ? Jimenez &al., 2014
* Bacillus tropicus ? ? ? Liu &al., 2017
* Bacillus vallismortis ? ? ? Roberts &al., 1996
* Bacillus velezensis ? ? ? Ruis-Garcia &al., 2005
* Bacillus wiedmannii ? ? ? Miller &al., 2016
* Bacillus wudalienchiensis ? ? ? Liu &al., 2017
* Bacillus xiamenensis ? ? ? Lai &al., 2014
* Bacillus xiapuensis ? ? ? Liu &al., 2019
* Bacillus zhangzhouensis ? ? ? Liu &al., 2016
* Bacillus sp. 0.7? ? ? Schuerger & Nicholson, 2016
Carnobacterium alterfunditum 0.7? ? ? Nicholson &al., 2013
Carnobacterium divergens 0.7? ? ? Nicholson &al., 2013
Carnobacterium funditum 0.7? ? ? Nicholson &al., 2013
Carnobacterium gallinarum 0.7? ? ? Nicholson &al., 2013
Carnobacterium inhibens 0.7? ? ? Nicholson &al., 2013
Carnobacterium maltaromaticum 0.7? ? ? Nicholson &al., 2013
Carnobacterium mobile 0.7? ? ? Nicholson &al., 2013
Carnobacterium pleistocenium 0.7? ? ? Nicholson &al., 2013
Carnobacterium viridans 0.7? ? ? Nicholson &al., 2013
* Clostridium aceticum ? ? ? Wieringa, 1940
* Clostridium acetireducens ? ? ? Orlygsson &al., 1996
* Clostridium acetobutylicum ? ? ? McCoy &al., 1926
* Clostridium acidisoli ? ? ? Kuhner &al., 2000
* Clostridium aestuarii ? ? ? Kim &al., 2007
* Clostridium akagii ? ? ? Kuhner &al., 2000
* Clostridium algidicarnis ? ? ? Lawson &al., 1995
* Clostridium algifaecis ? ? ? Wu &al., 2014
* Clostridium algoriphilum ? ? ? Shcherbakova &al., 2010
* Clostridium amazonense ? ? ? O’Neal &al., 2015
* Clostridium aminophilum ? ? ? Paster &al., 1993
* Clostridium amylolyticum ? ? ? Song & Dong, 2008
* Clostridium arbusti ? ? ? Jung &al., 2010
* Clostridium arcticum ? ? ? Jordan & McNicol, 1979
* Clostridium argentinense ? ? ? Suen &al., 1988
* Clostridium atrophaeus ? ? ? Nakamura, 1989
* Clostridium aurantibutyricum ? ? ? Hellinger, 1944
* Clostridium baratii ? ? ? Prevot, 1938
* Clostridium beihaiense ? ? ? Dong &al., 2018
* Clostridium beijerinckii ? ? ? Donker, 1926
* Clostridium bornimense ? ? ? Hahnke &al., 2014
* Clostridium botulinum ? ? ? van Ermengem, 1896
* Clostridium bovifaecis ? ? ? Zhu &al., 2018
* Clostridium bowmanii ? ? ? Spring &al., 2003
* Clostridium budayi ? ? ? Le Blaye, 1914
* Clostridium butyricum ? ? ? Prazmowski, 1880
* Clostridium cadaveris ? ? ? Klein, 1899
* Clostridium carboxidivorans ? ? ? Liou &al., 2005
* Clostridium carnis ? ? ? Klein, 1904
* Clostridium cavendishii ? ? ? Bowman &al., 2010
* Clostridium celatum ? ? ? Hauschild & Holdeman, 1974
* Clostridium cellulosi ? ? ? He &al., 1991
* Clostridium cellulovorans ? ? ? Sleat &al., 1985
* Clostridium chartatabidum ? ? ? Kelly &al., 1996
* Clostridium chauvoei ? ? ? Arloing &al., 1887
* Clostridium chromiireducens ? ? ? Inglett, 2011
* Clostridium clostridioforme ? ? ? Burri & Ankersmit, 1906
* Clostridium cochlearium ? ? ? Douglas, 1919
* Clostridium cocleatum ? ? ? Kaneuchi &al., 1979
* Clostridium colicanis ? ? ? Greetham &al., 2003
* Clostridium colinum ? ? ? Berkhoff &al., 1974
* Clostridium collagenovorans ? ? ? Jain & Zeikus, 1988
* Clostridium combesii ? ? ? Prevot & Laplanche, 1947
* Clostridium composti ? ? ? Shin &al., 2018
* Clostridium cylindrosporum ? ? ? Barker & Beck, 1942
* Clostridium disporicum ? ? ? Horn, 1987
* Clostridium drakei ? ? ? Liou &al., 2005
* Clostridium estertheticum ? ? ? Collins &al., 1993
* Clostridium fallax ? ? ? Weinberg & Seguin, 1915
* Clostridium felsineum ? ? ? Carbone & Tombolato, 1917
* Clostridium fermenticellae ? ? ? Xu &al., 2019
* Clostridium fessum ? ? ? Seo &al., 2020
* Clostridium fimetarium ? ? ? Kotsyurbenko &al., 1997
* Clostridium formicaceticum ? ? ? Andreesen &al., 1970
* Clostridium frigidicarnus ? ? ? Broda &al., 1999
* Clostridium frigoris ? ? ? Spring &al., 2003
* Clostridium ganghwense ? ? ? Kim &al., 2006
* Clostridium gasigenes ? ? ? Broda &al., 2000
* Clostridium granti ? ? ? Mountfort &al., 1996
* Clostridium guangxiense ? ? ? Zhao &al., 2017
* Clostridium haemolyticum ? ? ? Hall, 1929
* Clostridium halophilum ? ? ? Fendrich &al., 1991
* Clostridium herbivorans ? ? ? Varel &al., 1995
* Clostridium hiranonis ? ? ? Kitahara &al., 2001
* Clostridium histolyticum
(not very thermotolerant; OGT=60°C)
? ? ? Weinberg & Seguin, 1916
* Clostridium homopropionicum ? ? ? Dorner & Schink, 1991
* Clostridium huakuii ? ? ? Ruan &al., 2014
* Clostridium hydrogeniformans ? ? ? Bowman &al., 2010
* Clostridium hylemonae ? ? ? Kitahara &al., 2000
* Clostridium indicum
(extremotolerant mesophile, OGT=37°C)
? ? ? Gundawar &al., 2019
* Clostridium innocuum ? ? ? Smith & King, 1962
* Clostridium intestinale ? ? ? Lee &al., 1989
* Clostridium irregulare ? ? ? Choukevitch, 1911
* Clostridium isatidis ? ? ? Padden &al., 1999
* Clostridium jeddahense ? ? ? Lagier &al., 2016
* Clostridium kluyveri ? ? ? Barker & Taha, 1942
* Clostridium lacusfryxellense ? ? ? Spring &al., 2003
* Clostridium leptum ? ? ? Moore &al., 1976
* Clostridium liquoris ? ? ? Yin &al., 2016
* Clostridium ljungdahlii ? ? ? Tanner &al., 1993
* Clostridium lundense ? ? ? Cirne &al., 2006
* Clostridium luticellarii ? ? ? Wang &al., 2015
* Clostridium magnum ? ? ? Schink, 1984
* Clostridium malenominatum ? ? ? Weinberg &al., 1937
* Clostridium methoxybenzovorans ? ? ? Mechichi &al., 1999
* Clostridium methylpentosum ? ? ? Himelbloom & Canale-Parola, 1989
* Clostridium moniliforme ? ? ? Repaci, 1910
* Clostridium neonatale ? ? ? Bernard &al., 2018
* Clostridium neuense ? ? ? Zhao &al., 2017
* Clostridium nexile ? ? ? Holdeman & Moore, 1974
* Clostridium nitritogenes ? ? ? Prevot, 1940
* Clostridium nitrophenolicum ? ? ? Suresh &al., 2007
* Clostridium novyi ? ? ? Migula, 1900
* Clostridium oceanicum ? ? ? Smith, 1970
* Clostridium oryzae ? ? ? Horino &al., 2015
* Clostridium pabulibutyricum ? ? ? Kobayashi &al., 2017
* Clostridium paradoxum ? ? ? Li &al., 1993
* Clostridium paraputrificum ? ? ? Bienstock, 1906
* Clostridium pascui ? ? ? Wilde &al., 1997
* Clostridium pasteurianum ? ? ? Winogradsky, 1985
* Clostridium peptidovorans ? ? ? Mechichi &al., 2000
* Clostridium perfringens
(formerly C. welchii)
? ? ? Veillon & Zuber, 1898
* Clostridium phytofermentans ? ? ? Warnick &al., 2002
* Clostridium piliforme ? ? ? Tyzzer, 1917
* Clostridium polyendosporum ? ? ? Duda &al., 1996
* Clostridium polysaccharolyticum ? ? ? van Glyswyk, 1981
* Clostridium populeti ? ? ? Sleat & Mah, 1985
* Clostridium prolinivorans ? ? ? Huang &al., 2020
* Clostridium psychrophilum ? ? ? Spring &al., 2003
* Clostridium punense ? ? ? Lanjekar &al., 2015
* Clostridium puniceam ? ? ? Lund &al., 1981
* Clostridium putrefaciens ? ? ? McBryde, 1911
* Clostridium quinii ? ? ? Svensson &al., 1995
* Clostridium ramosum ? ? ? Veillon & Zuber, 1898
* Clostridium roseum ? ? ? McCoy & McClung, 1935
* Clostridium saccharobutylicum ? ? ? Kleis &al., 2001
* Clostridium saccharogumia ? ? ? Clavel &al., 2007
* Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum ? ? ? Kleis &al., 2001
* Clostridium sardiniense
(aka Clostridium absonum
? ? ? Prevot, 1938
* Clostridium sartagoforme ? ? ? Partansky & Henry, 1935
* Clostridium saudiense ? ? ? Angelakis &al., 2016
* Clostridium scidens ? ? ? Morris &al., 1985
* Clostridium senagelense ? ? ? Mishra &al., 2015
* Clostridium septicum ? ? ? Macé, 1889
* Clostridium spiroforme ? ? ? Kaneuchi &al., 1979
* Clostridium sporogenes ? ? ? Metchnikoff, 1908
* Clostridium sporosphaeroides ? ? ? Soriano & Soriano, 1948
* Clostridium subterminale ? ? ? Hall & Whitehead, 1927
* Clostridium sulfidigenes ? ? ? Sallam & Steinbuchel, 2009
* Clostridium swellfunianum ? ? ? Liu &al., 2015
* Clostridium symbiosum ? ? ? Stevens, 1956
* Clostridium tagluense ? ? ? Suetin &al., 2009
* Clostridium tarantellae ? ? ? (Udey &al., 1977) Lawson & Rainey, 2016
* Clostridium tepidiprofundi ? ? ? Slobodkina &al., 2008
* Clostridium tepidum ? ? ? Dobritsa &al., 2017
* Clostridium tertium ? ? ? (Henry, 1917) Bergey &al., 1923
* Clostridium tetani ? ? ? (Flugge, 1886) Bergey &al., 1923
* Clostridium tetanomorphum ? ? ? (Bulloch &al., 1919) Wilde &al., 1989
* Clostridium thermarum ? ? ? Liu &al., 2021
* Clostridium thermoalcaliphilum ? ? ? Li &al., 1994
* Clostridium thermobutyricum ? ? ? Weigel &al., 1989
* Clostridium thermopalmarium ? ? ? Soh &al., 1991
* Clostridium thermopapyrolyticum ? ? ? Mendez &al., 1991
* Clostridium thermosaccharolyticum ? ? ? McClung, 1935
* Clostridium thermosuccinogenes ? ? ? Drent &al., 1995
* Clostridium thermosulfurigenes ? ? ? Schink & Zeikus, 1983
* Clostridium thiosulfatireducens ? ? ? Hernandez-Euginio &al., 2002
* Clostridium tyrobutyricum ? ? ? van Beynum & Pette, 1935
* Clostridium uliginosum ? ? ? Matthies &al., 2001
* Clostridium villosum ? ? ? Love &al., 1979
* Clostridium vincentii ? ? ? Mountfort &al., 1997
* Clostridium viride ? ? ? Buckel &al., 1995
* Clostridium vulturis ? ? ? Paek &al., 2015
Cryobacterium arcticum 0.7? ? ? Bajerski &al., 2011
Cryobacterium aureum 0.7? ? ? Liu &al., 2018
Cryobacterium flavum 0.7? ? ? Liu &al., 2012
Cryobacterium levicorallinum 0.7? ? ? Liu &al., 2013
Cryobacterium luteum 0.7? ? ? Liu &al., 2012
Cryobacterium psychrophilum 0.7? ? ? Suzuku &al., 1997
Cryobacterium sp. 0.7? ? ? Schuerger & Nicholson, 2016
Cryobacterium psychrotolerans 0.7? ? ? Zhang &al., 2007
Cryobacterium roopkundense 0.7? ? ? Reddy &al., 2010

Ding &al., 2011
Dopson &al., 2003
Baker &al., 2010
Plumb &al., 2007
Whitman &al., 1999
"Nitrosotalea is an abundant, globally distributed genus of AOA found in acidic soils (Gubry-Rangin et al., 2011). Thirty per cent of the world's soils are considered acidic (pH < 5.5; von Uexk�ll & Mutert, 1995), and ammonia oxidation in low pH soils is dominated by AOA, rather than AOB (Gubry-Rangin et al., 2010; Lehtovirta-Morley et al., 2011)."

Craig W. Herbold, Laura E. Lehtovirta-Morley, Man-Young Jung, Nico Jehmlich, Bela Hausmann, Ping Han, Alexander Loy, Michael Pester, Luis A. Sayavedra-Soto, Sung-Keun Rhee, James I. Prosser, Graeme W. Nicol, Michael Wagner and Cecile Gubry-Rangin. Ammonia-oxidising archaea living at low pH: Insights from comparative genomics. Environmental Microbiology (2017) 19(12), 4939�4952


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