SciencePhysicsChemistry ► Organic Chemistry ► BiologyExtremophiles

Acid X-Philes: Bacteria

Acidophilic Bacteria & Hyperacidotolerant, Near-Acidophilic Bacterial Neutriphiles


This group includes organisms capable of thriving in hyperacidic conditions, most of which have an optimal growth pH of 5 or lower (OGpH<5), although a few have an OGpH slightly above this (e.g., Nanoarchaeum equitans, OGpH=6) but can nonetheless be found flourishing in hyperacidic environments (pH=0.5-1.5).

List of Bacterial Acidophiles

Here organisms are listed first by the upper end of their temperature range, then by OGT, then by the lower end of their temperature range, and for any organisms for which these properties are unknown, they will be listed in alphabetical order at the end.

Described Species
Genus & Species low pH OGpH high pH Source
Genus species ? ? ? ?

Phylogenic List of Bacterial Acidophiles

Other entry

Alphabetical List of Bacterial Acidophiles

Described Species
Genus & Species OGpH pH range Source
Acetobacter aceti ? Johnson, 1998
Acidiphilium acidophilum
(Thiobacillus acidophilus)
<3 ? Johnson, 1998
Acidiphilium multivorum <3 ? (Dopson 2003)
Acidithiobacillus albertensis
(Thiobacillus albertis)
<3 ? Johnson, 1998; Fashola &al., 2015
Acidithiobacillus caldus
(Thiobacillus caldus)
<3 ? Johnson, 1998;
Fashola &al., 2015; Zhang &al., 2015
Acidithiobacillus ferridurans <4 ? ()
Acidithiobacillus ferriphilus <4 ? ()
Acidithiobacillus ferrivorans <4 ? (Fashola &al., 2015)
Acidithiobacillus ferro(o)xidans
(Thiobacillus ferrooxidans)
<3 ? Johnson, 1998; Fashola &al., 2015; Zhang &al., 2015
Acidithiobacillus thioxidans
(Thiobacillus thioxidans)
<3 ? Johnson, 1998; Fashola &al., 2015; Zhang &al., 2015
Acidobacterium capsulatum <3 ? Johnson, 1998; Fashola &al., 2015
Acidimicrobium ferroxidans <3 ? Johnson, 1998; Fashola &al., 2015
Acidocella spp. <3 ? Johnson, 1998
Acidomonas methanolica <3 ? Johnson, 1998
Alicyclobacillus thermosulfidooxidans <3 ? Johnson, 1998
Alicyclobacillus thermosulfidooxidans
(Sulfobacillus thermosulfidooxidans)
<3 ? Johnson, 1998; Fashola &al., 2015; Zhang &al., 2015
Bryocella elongata <4 ? ()
Ferrimicrobium acidiphilum <3 ? Johnson, 1998
Ferrimicrobium acidiphilus <3 ? Fashola &al., 2015
Gallionella ferruginea ? (Fashola &al., 2015)
Helicobacter pylori ?
Hydrogenobacter acidophilus ? (Fashola &al., 2015)
Leptospirillum ferriphilum <3 ? Lehtovirta-Morley &al., 2014; Zhang &al., 2015
Leptospirillum ferro(o)xidans <3 ? Johnson, 1998; Fashola &al., 2015; Zhang &al., 2015
Leptospirillum thermoferrooxidans <3 ? Johnson, 1998
Sulfobacillus acidophilus <3 ? Johnson, 1998; Fashola &al., 2015
Telmatobacter bradus <4 ? ()
Thiobacillus acidophilus <4 ? ()
Thiobacillus dentrificans ? (Fashola &al., 2015)
Thiobacillus organovorus <4 ? ()
Thiobacillus prosperus <3 ? Johnson, 1998
Thiomonas cuprina
(Thiobacillus cuprinus)
<3 ? Johnson, 1998
Desulfovibrio sp. ? ? Fashola &al., 2015
Desulfomicrobium sp. ? ? Fashola &al., 2015
Desulfobulbus sp. ? ? Fashola &al., 2015
Desulfosarcina sp. ? ? Fashola &al., 2015
Desulfobacter sp. ? ? Fashola &al., 2015
Desulfotomaculum sp. ? ? Fashola &al., 2015

Ding &al., 2011
Dopson &al., 2003
Baker &al., 2010
Plumb &al., 2007
Whitman &al., 1999
"Nitrosotalea is an abundant, globally distributed genus of AOA found in acidic soils (Gubry-Rangin et al., 2011). Thirty per cent of the world's soils are considered acidic (pH < 5.5; von Uexk�ll & Mutert, 1995), and ammonia oxidation in low pH soils is dominated by AOA, rather than AOB (Gubry-Rangin et al., 2010; Lehtovirta-Morley et al., 2011)."

Craig W. Herbold, Laura E. Lehtovirta-Morley, Man-Young Jung, Nico Jehmlich, Bela Hausmann, Ping Han, Alexander Loy, Michael Pester, Luis A. Sayavedra-Soto, Sung-Keun Rhee, James I. Prosser, Graeme W. Nicol, Michael Wagner and Cecile Gubry-Rangin. Ammonia-oxidising archaea living at low pH: Insights from comparative genomics. Environmental Microbiology (2017) 19(12), 4939�4952


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